Virtual gateway to real computing

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Innovations in science and technology have turned the virtual into the real, paving the way for an entirely new world. Revitalizing the usual structure of computer, Chinese designer Lv Zhongfang has come up with a unique PC design that employs virtual input system in place of traditional keyboard and mouse. The eyeglasses-style monitor of the revolutionary PC gives a free access to the users. While the motion capture system (MG-D) resembles a watch and can be worn on your wrist, the MG-E takes the form of a ring that fits on the finger of the user to be used as a mouse. In the Matrix Gateway, the motion capture system (MG-D) takes the place of a keyboard and wireless technologies, including bluetooth and Wi-Fi make communication easy.

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Design Status:

Matrix Gateway is a concept PC design for highly mobile users.
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The Matrix Gateway is so compact in size that the users can work on it in the bed, on the road, while shopping or while on tour. Users may enjoy virtual games or 3D movies without any interruption in vision. Moreover, it can be used as a navigation device.

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Lv Zhongfang is an industrial designer from China.

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